Yeovil Podiatry

If you are in need of foot treatments to help you manage sore feet, get in touch with us at Yeovil Podiatry. Based in Yeovil, we offer a range of effective foot care and nail care treatments to customers in Somerset and Dorset.
What is Chiropody and Podiatry?
Chiropody and Podiatry are branches of medicine that involve the diagnosis and treatments of various foot conditions, such as verrucae, corns, calluses, athlete’s foot, ingrown nails, sports injuries and ulcers.
The treatments are designed to help prevent and correct any problems in feet, keeping people mobile and active, relieving pain and treating infections of the feet.

Helping you get back on your feet
If you are suffering from foot pain or fungal nails, visit us at Yeovil Podiatry. I understand your need to be mobile as soon as possible. I will listen to your problems, diagnose the symptoms and work toward creating an effective treatment plan for you.
We also offer home visits if you are unable to visit my clinic. Feel free to contact us for more information.

​We are fully qualified professionals providing a range of treatments to address various foot conditions. You can rely on me to diagnose the problems in your feet and provide you with effective treatment plans to address them.

Chiropody and Podiatry
Nail surgery and treatments
Diabetic foot care
Gait walking assessment
Corn, callus and wart removal
Sports injuries
Lunula Laser Fungal Nail treatment
Podiatric electric stimulus Acupuncture
Ingrown Toenails, Wounds and Ulcers